Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Compra de vehículos y maquinaria

Leasing y renting

  • Válido para toda clase de vehículos y maquinaria.
  • Permite renovar el bien cada cierto tiempo dotando a la empresa de herramientas modernas y actualizadas.
  • El renting no genera apunte en Cirbe.
  • Unas de las opciones más económicas.

Con leasing y renting salen operaciones que de otra manera no saldrían.

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981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Plataforma de negocios para pymes


Compra lo que necesites para tu empresa...





Y mucho más

Y mucho más...


...y págalo con tus productos y servicios


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Hasta 5 años con 1 de carencia

Fondos del CDTI

  • Hasta el 85% del coste total del proyecto.
  • Mínimo de 175.000€.
  • Amortización a 5 años con 1 de carencia.

Consigue tu informe de evaluación previa en menos de 48 horas y sin compromiso

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Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sin bancos


Para operaciones de hasta 1M euros a un máximo de 60 meses

  • Criterios de concesión más flexibles.
  • Resolución en 10 días.
  • No supone CIRBE.

Consigue tu informe de evaluación previa en menos de 48 horas y sin compromiso

Quiero saber más

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Is Amazon Prime worth it?

CreditCards.com Weekly Newsletter


Pay by mobile, earn bonus rewards

Issuers have always competed to be at the forefront of your wallet, and now they're competing to be at the top of your mobile wallet, too. Several card companies are now offering bonus rewards for mobile payments.

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Get your free credit score!

Get your TransUnion credit score, full report and credit monitoring with no impact to your credit score. Then, we'll match you to credit card offers based on your credit profile.

Click here for your free report

More News


Is it time for a rewards card swap ahead of holidays?

You might have jack-o'-lanterns and hayrides on the brain, but October is nearly over, so it's time to get smart about your holiday spending. It might be time to switch your rewards card to bring in the most points, miles and cash back for your spending.

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Charged Up! podcast: Creating the Life You Want with What You Have

Jessica Pettitt, author of "Good Enough Now," talks about how she overcame debt more than once and how she found a toolkit that allowed her to make a difference in her life without a sudden infusion of money or a change in life circumstances.

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High score, denied for new card - why?

A high credit score can help you achieve many financial goals, but you may be surprised that a 700+ score doesn't automatically guarantee you'll be approved for every card you apply for. Here's why.

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Expert Q&A

How to stop debt collectors from contacting you about a relative's debt

Debt collectors often call relatives or other people they think may help them find someone who owes money. Sometimes, these calls are legal, sometimes not. No matter what, though, they can be stopped.

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Taking Charge: a credit card blog


How to overcome a points-hoarding habit and save

Points and rewards are great - if you use them. Blogger John Egan shares how he overcame his points-hoarding tendencies and ended up saving $1,000 on a trip to San Francisco.

See the full story

Product News


Is Amazon Prime worth it?

Whether you're rushing to get some Halloween costume pieces in before the weekend, hoping to #SaveGoodGirlsRevolt or just wanting in on Prime Day and free shipping, Amazon Prime might look pretty tempting. Here's the low-down on the service.

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