Thursday, March 30, 2017

Subvenciones a fondo perdido para pymes

Línea Directa Innovación


Subvenciones a fondo
perdido para pymes.

Saber más

• Subvenciones europeas, nacionales y de las comunidades autónomas.

• Buscador de subvenciones de toda clase para todo el territorio nacional.

• Alertas programables.

• Gestión incluída.

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981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Want better card terms? Just ask

News | Card Reviews | Videos | Statistics
Want better card terms? Just ask
Want better card terms? Just ask
According to a poll, if you want to get a late fee waived, your interest reduced or other changed card terms, all you have to do is ask your issuer.
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More news
Should you pay taxes with a credit card?
Should you pay taxes with a credit card?
You can pay a large tax bill over time via a payment plan with the IRS, or you can use plastic. Plastic is a convenient option, but it's a pricey one.
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What to do when your authorized user abuses your card
What to do when your authorized user abuses your card
If an authorized user racks up a balance, then runs off, you can be left with major credit and financial problems.
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Charged Up! podcast: Be the boss of your career
Charged Up! podcast: Be the boss of your career
Best-selling author and and host of reality show "Hatched," Nicole Lapin talks about the strategies and mindset you need to take your career to the next level.
See the full story
Expert Q&A
How to clear fraudulent card accounts from your credit report
Think a family member opened accounts in your name, and don't want to press charges? What can you do about the fraudulent accounts?
Get the answer
Taking charge
Curb spending by making cards harder to use
Curb spending by making cards harder to use
Blogger Kelly Dilworth is making it as hard as possible to use her cards so she can rein in her spending. Here's what she's doing.
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Product news
Now's the time to sign up for that hotel card
Now's the time to sign up for that hotel card
Amex just added sign-up bonuses of 80,000 and 100,000 points to its Hilton Honors credit cards. The offers – which are the sweetest we've seen recently for these cards — expire on May 31, 2017.
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Cambios en Enisa en 2017

Líneas ENISA 2017

Donde antes había 4 líneas, ahora hay 3.

La nueva línea Enisa Crecimiento hace a Enisa más polivalente que nunca.

1. Enisa crecimiento

- Entre 25mil y 1,5M de euros.

- Vencimiento máximo a 9 años con un máximo de 7 de carencia del principal.

- Para pymes con proyectos de consolidación, crecimiento e internacionalización.

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2. Enisa emprendedores

- Entre 25mil y 300mil euros.

- Vencimiento máximo de 6 años con un máximo de 2 años de carencia del principal.

- Para empresas de menos de 2 años.

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3. Enisa jóvenes emprendedores

- Entre 25mil y 75mil euros.

- Vencimiento máximo de 4 años con un año de carencia del principal.

- Para empresas de menos de 2 años con socios mayoritarios menores de 40 años.

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Somos expertos en gestionar estas líneas.
Podemos conseguir la tuya.

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981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Monday, March 27, 2017



La red de intercambio
entre empresas

TrocoBuy es la primera red de intercambio multilateral para pymes de España y una de las pocas del mundo.

Únete a TrocoBuy y consigue lo que tu empresa necesite a cambio de tus productos o servicios.

Descubre TrocoBuy

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Fei – Fondos Europeos

FEI, fondos europeos para pymes

Línea FEI - Iniciativa Pymes
con fondos europeos:
FEDER, Horizonte 2020, FEI y BEI.

  • Para Pymes y autónomos constituidos y que operen en España.
  • Importe máximo: 12,5 millones por Pyme.
  • Al tratarse de líneas con garantía del FEI cuentan con condiciones preferentes.
Quiero saber más sobre FEI

Somos tu oportunidad de acceder a fondos europeos.

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
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o te contactamos nosotros

Déjanos tus datos

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

Friday, March 24, 2017

Línea Reindus – Para empresas industriales

Línea Directa Innovación

Línea Reindus

Fondos para empresas
industriales que
necesiten inversión
para sus proyectos

Saber más

• Para inversión en creación o traslado de establecimientos industriales, ampliación de capacidad productiva o mejora de líneas de producción.

• Amortización a 10 años.

• Tipo de interés máximo de 4,09%.

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981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

From 0-750: The fastest route to a higher credit score

News | Card Reviews | Videos | Statistics
Zero to 750: What's the fastest route to a high credit score?
Zero to 750: What's the fastest route to a high credit score?
Attaining excellent credit with scant borrowing history requires patience, but a few methods can kick your credit score into high gear.
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More news
What millennials can teach us about credit
Cash back cards become more generous with rewards
Following a high demand for simple rewards, credit card issuers are churning out new cards with bigger and biggger payouts of cash back.
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Video: Couples score free honeymoons using rewards
How tax liens affect your credit score
Many tax liens will soon be removed from credit reports, but the ones that remain can severely damage your credit score.
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Video: Couples score free honeymoons using rewards
'The Aisles Have Eyes' author talks privacy and data in shopping
Author Joseph Turow talks about how stores size you up as you shop, using some of the same tools that drive online sales to spot your presence, note your purchases and even adjust your discount.
See the full story
Expert Q&A
What to do if new collector re-ages old debt on credit report
Can an old credit card account that was charged off eight years ago still be legally reported on a credit report by a third party collection agency?
Get the answer
Taking charge
Ticket resellers' new hurdle: Purchase-card verification
Ticket resellers' new hurdle: Purchase-card verification
Want to resell your extra concert tickets? You might have some hoops to jump through.
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Product news
Citi ThankYou members score 50 percent more TrueBlue points
American Express Platinum: Business or personal?
The American Express Business Platinum card is adding many of the same benefits as the personal version – including a 5-point bonus on flight and hotel purchases – without a fee increase. Could it be the better version of the card?
See the full story